Karin Johnson Massage Therapy
Invest In Your Health. Once A Month Is All It Takes

Gift Cards & Certificates



If you are a client that has been seeing me since 2015 or earlier please call me before purchasing Gift Certificates and Gift Cards online.  For quickest response for any Gift Card and Certificate assistance, please call me.  My phone numbers are here.  I look forward to helping you as soon as possible. 

Choose from the following vendors to get basic info about their gift products and check Gift Card and Certificate balances:

The Gift Card Cafe  -  Check Gift Card Cafe Gift Certificate Balance
Giftfly  -  Check Giftfly Gift Card Balance
Square  -  Check Square Gift Card Balance

Click here for important tips and disclosures.

Below is an overview of about the gift products I sell.   Enjoy!


The following vendors provide you Gift Card and Certificate options with various features to fit your needs as clients including convenient customer service tools.  Therefore, I  stopped offering physical gift certificates and I do not plan on selling physical gift cards either.  But no worries!  The gift products below are easy to email or text to recipients, and they are extremely convenient to use, redeem and track.  There are ways to print hardcopy versions for personal delivery and I gave the basic how-to's regarding this for each vendor.  I will continue to look for gift options with features that benefit both the giver and recipient.  So check back for updates and specials. 

If you don't see the service, package or amount available that you want, please call and I will do my best to customize one for you!   Also call me for assistance if you have lost your Gift Card or Certificate codes for redemption. 



Important Tips and Disclosures:

For Gifts Sent By Email
If you send a gift by email only, it's very helpful to make sure the recipient knows to look out for it.  A card, call or text stating they have a special surprise sent to their email can be helpful in ensuring thoughtful gifts are enjoyed and valuable funds are used instead of being overlooked, lost or wasted among the many emails people can get.


When Printing Gift Cards & Certificates
Depending on the vendor, you may be able to email them to yourself to print out, or you may have to buy directly from me so I can email them to you for print out.  Details are under each vendor.  Either way when printing them out, make sure they look their best and avoid webpage information, time, and the like from showing up at the very top and bottom of the page by setting any Print Page Headers & Footers settings to the equivalent of unchecked, unselected, or "blank" options . 

Gift Card & Certificate Disclosures
To avoid fraudulent activities and help prevent ID theft, a valid photo ID may be required before Gift Cards and Certificates are accepted for redemption.

More helpful tips and general disclosures regarding gift products, please click title link above and look under:
2.  Purchasing & Redeeming Gift Cards/Certificates Online



The Gift Card Cafe

*The Gift Card Cafe offers single use eGift Certificates.
They are NOT re-loadable.

Gratuity is an optional separate item and are preset percentages of The Gift Card Cafe.  I do not control the gratuity percentages. 
Discounts do not affect included gratuity.

Buy Gift Certificates

Purchasing -
These are simple easy Gift Certificates to buy. 
These are not re-loadable.  Gratuity options are always based on original amount before any discounts are applied.  You can send it by text and email.  It is recommended you do both.  To give a hard copy to recipient, email the purchased Gift Certificates to yourself to print out a copy.  When printing them out, make sure any Print Page Headers & Footers settings are set to the equivalent of unchecked, unselected, or "blank" options.    Items you can choose for Gift Certificates are:

  • Dollar Amount - easy for recipient to know exactly how much they have to spend. 
  • Single Service or Package - dollar amount doesn't show but balances can be checked.

Redeeming -
If you can't bring Gift Certificate up on your mobile device, please print it out and bring in for redemption.  You can check your balance using link below.  Have your Gift Certificate number ready to enter. 

Check Gift Card Cafe Gift Certificate Balance




*Giftfly offers single use eGift Cards.  They are NOT re-loadable. 

 You cannot add gratuity as a separate item.  How to include gratuity is discussed below.  Discounts are applied to total amount.

Purchasing -
These eGift Cards are the perfect way to surprise and send gifts to your tech savvy friends and family that love using their mobile and smart devices.  These are not re-loadableYou can send it by text and email.  It is recommended you do both.  If you really want to give a paper version to someone, email it to yourself so you can print it out first.  When printing them out, make sure any Print Page Headers & Footers settings are set to the equivalent of unchecked, unselected, or "blank" options.    Styles of eGift Cards you can purchase include:

  • Dollar Amount - with our without dollar amount showing.  With dollar amount showing its easy for recipient to know exactly how much they have to spend.  While you can include intended gratuity with this style, it is not differentiated from total amount. 
  • Single Service or Package - dollar amount doesn't show.  The minimum purchase amount is the regular cost of the service or package alone.  These products are designed so you can include, in addition, up to 25% of the minimum purchase price to cover gratuity.  It becomes part of total amount and is not differentiated from total amount.  Therefore discounts applied at time of purchase, will apply to total amount.  Any amount above the minimum purchase price can be used toward gratuity or other services.  Recipient can always choose how much gratuity to pay which may or may not use up full amount of card. 

Example:  If you pay for a Service or Package card with minimum purchase amount of $100, you can include up to $25 extra to cover gratuity for maximum purchase price of $125.  Assume you paid the full $125 maximum amount allowed for a $100 Single Service card.  If the recipient wants to use the card to pay a $20 tip and buy nothing else, there would be a $5 balance left on the card. 

Redeeming -
These are super slick, easy and fun to redeem from smart and mobile devices.  If you can't bring Gift Card up on your mobile device, please print it out and bring in for redemption.  You can check remaining balance of your Gift Card by using store link below and clicking "Check Balance" in upper right corner.  Have your Gift Card Code ready to enter.  To check balance on mobile device, click menu icon in upper right corner to access the "Check Balance" window.  Tip:  You cannot copy and paste code into "Check Balance" window.  You must type in each letter and digit individually.  I find it helps to copy and paste code into my mobile device Notes app for easier reference.  If anyone discovers an easier way to enter the code, please let me know. 

Check Giftfly Gift Card Balance




*Square offers re-loadable eGift Cards.

You cannot add gratuity as a separate item. 
Discounts are applied to entire amount. 

Purchase Square eGift Cards

These gift products require a bit more work on the part of both the giver and receiver but the biggest advantage with Square eGift Cards is that they are re-loadable like plastic cards.  So for recipients who highly value being able to reload their eGift Card for self care budgeting, the extra effort is worth it.  You can use these yourself as a self-care budgeting tool.  Just send to yourself

Purchasing -
Square has many quirky fun designs and I will be adding more of my own spa-like designs as I can.  Because they are re-loadable, the only kind offered are straight dollar amount cards and they do not show the amount on them.  You can even use these yourself to make sure you budget funds for self-care.  Service or Package Gift Cards are not available through Square and gratuity cannot be added as a separate item.  Here are details on how you can purchase Square eGift Cards for your friends and family or even yourself depending on whether you want to send a digital or printed version:

  • Send digital eGift Card:  When purchasing Square eGift Cards through link above, they can only be sent to recipient by email, which you must provide during checkout process.  If sending to others, I recommend you make sure to also send them my contact phone number and website information in "PERSONAL MESSAGE" box (you can use provided example below).  Sometimes due to eGift Card design, contact info can be hard to see and I have no control over this.  Knowing whether or not it is visible isn't always clear from preview provided.  So including this will ensure everyone involved can call to set up appointments for easier redemption and that they have access to customer service support if needed.  If you are buying for yourself, please check the box labeled "I want to send this to myself", and all other options like "TO" information, "DELIVERY" options, and "PERSONAL MESSAGE" box are deleted for a simple streamlined gift to self.
  • Send To Yourself to Print Out:  If you really want to print it out, you must send it to yourself.  You will have to know how to print/convert email to PDF or some kind of editable format where you can crop, resize, cut and paste and do other necessary editing on the eGift Card part of email you want to keep and make sure it fits on page the way you like.  There are two ways you can send it to yourself for print out.  Either one you choose, I recommend you also forward a copy to recipients by email with my contact information below.  This way they have the Gift Card Code on file.  I should always be able to find, re-load and look up necessary eGift Card information with the Gift Card Code even if other information is not usable.  NOTE: if you forward the eGift Card to them after sending it to yourself, they will see your email address in provided links as a way for them to redeem the gift card.  SO MAKE SURE TO USE AN EMAIL YOU DON'T MIND THEM KNOWING IF YOU SEND IT TO YOURSELF TO PRINT OUT AND THEN FORWARD THE ECARD EMAIL TO THEM FOR THEIR RECORDS AND GIFT CARD CODE.  
  1. Without "PERSONAL MESSAGE" in eGift Card:  Right under "FROM" information, check box for "I want to send this to myself" .  As noted above, if you check this option, the "PERSONAL MESSAGE" box is deleted, so you will have to write the personal message in a card you include the print out in or in an email message you forward the eGift Card with. 
  2. Including "PERSONAL MESSAGE" in eGift Card:  DO NOT CHECK BOX FOR "I want to send this to myself".  This leaves the "TO" information, "DELIVERY" options, and "PERSONAL MESSAGE" box active and usable.  For the "TO" information, put the recipient's name in but instead of their email put your email that you want to receive it in.  You can use the same email as you did in the "FROM" section.

Contact Information To Send Recipient:  please copy and send all four lines below. 
Redeem with Karin Johnson Massage Therapy
To redeem, call (949) 443-9268 or (844) 489-4400 for quickest response. 

More info at www.karin.massagetherapy.com/gift-cards-certificates.
All sales are final.  No refunds on services or products sold.

Redeeming -
These instructions apply for people that have received a Square eGift Card by email.  If you can't bring Gift Card up on your mobile device, please print it out and bring in for redemption.  While you may be able to redeem using your phone number or email address, your Gift Card Code is always ensures balances can be viewed and value reloading is possible.  Also, if for some reason your phone number or email can't pull up your eGift Card for payment, I should always be able to retrieve it with the Gift Card Code. 
If you were sent a digital copy of you eCard, near the bottom you will see a button called "View Your eGift Card" followed by a button "Manage Your Square Profile" and some redemption disclosures.  The first time clicking the "Vew Your eGift Card" button, another web page may open where you will have the option to edit/add a phone number for easy redemption right away.  Once you do this you can see your Gift Card details including Current Balance, Transaction History, Ways to Redeem, and Gift Info containing the giver's message to you.  If you want to edit phone number for redemption, you can by clicking "Edit" next to phone number.  In my experience, if the original balance is used up and new funds are reloaded on the card in any way, you cannot use the phone number to redeem that card anymore.  So always save your Gift Card Code. 

Check Square Gift Card Balance