Karin Johnson Massage Therapy
Invest In Your Health. Once A Month Is All It Takes



"I have worked in the legal field for the past 15 years and am on the computer 10-12 hours per day. When I first came to Karin about six months ago, I was having daily pain in my shoulders and neck. Within a few treatments, I went from being uncomfortable in my work chair every day to having no pain at all. So then I asked my husband to go see Karin - he has worked in the construction industry for 20 years and suffers from chronic back pain. He was skeptical at first but now he gets upset if I try and take one of his appointments! Karin listens to you, and your body, and responds with a variety of treatments. She is wonderful!"

----Lisa Wallace



"Karin is a caring massage therapist. She is knowledgeable in a variety of techniques and is very interested in client wellness."

 ----Diane Howard